Sunday, August 18, 2019

MTCT #46: Planning for the First Weeks of School

It's Back-to-School time again and Carrie and Tanya are talking about planning for the first weeks of school.

More beginning of the year songs and games here:

Music Teacher Coffee Talk #22: Songs, Games, and Activities for the First Days of School

Also check out this episode:

Music Teacher Coffee Talk #23: Back to School Procedures

Book: Little Green 

King's Land: The King went to Boston (I don't know where or when I changed this to London!)

Omochio Tsukimasho

Omochio Tsukimasho: We are going to make smashed rice.
Petanko: The sound of smashing the rice.
Konete: The sound of flattening the rice.
Tom tom tom: Just a sound.

Hand Clapping Game:
Partners face each other. One person maintains the pulse with left hand out palm up and right hand gently
tapping with a large distance in between. The second person will do the following:
m.1-2: Tap the 8th note rhythm with right hand on top of flat left hand.
m.3-4: Gently tap the right hand on the left for all the downbeats and tap the partner's outstretched hand on
the upbeats when speaking the -an of Pentanko.
m.5-6: Gently tap the right hand on the left for all the downbeats and when speaking -te of Konete and
"draw" a flat circle with the right hand above the partner's outstretched left hand when speaking the upbeats
for kone- of Konete.
m.7-8: Clap hands together below, between, and above the partner's pulse in the following pattern: bottom,
middle, top (wait); top, middle, bottom (wait); bottom, middle, top, middle, bottom, middle, top.

YouTube video with slightly different pattern:

Boom Snap Clap!

Adams Family Cup Passing Game

Shameless Plugs!

Tanya's upcoming 2019 workshops:

Sept. 7th

Rocky Mountain West Orff Chapter: Singing Games to Jump Start Your School Year

Sept. 21st

AKTS (Arizona Kodály Teachers Society)
Music Literacy for all! Songs, Games, Manipulatives and Assessments in the Music Classroom

Sept. 28th

OKE (Oklahoma Kodály Educators)
Musical Intentions: Incorporating Mindfulness and Including Scaffolding in the Kodály Classroom
University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond, Oklahoma

Carrie's upcoming workshop:

Sept. 28th (Fort Collins, CO)  : 

ROCKE presents Keep Them Engaged! Student Engagement and Classroom Management in the Elementary Music Classroom

Coda (what we are enjoying in and out of the music room)



Happy musiking!

Sunday, August 4, 2019

MTCT #45: Back to School Planning for the Year

It's Back-to-School time again and Carrie and Tanya are talking about how to set-up your school year for success and wellness!

Coda (what we are enjoying in and out of the music room)


Band: Spoon 

Shameless Plugs!

Tanya's upcoming workshops:

Sept. 8th

Rocky Mountain West Orff Chapter:

Sept. 21st
AKTS (Arizona Kodály Teachers Society)
Music Literacy for all! Songs, Games, Manipulatives and Assessments in the Music Classroom

Sept. 28th
OKE (Oklahoma Kodály Educators)
Musical Intentions: Incorporating Mindfulness and Including Scaffolding in the Kodály Classroom
University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond, Oklahoma

Carrie's upcoming workshop:

Sept. 28th (Fort Collins, CO)  : 

ROCKE presents Keep Them Engaged! Student Engagement and Classroom Management in the Elementary Music Classroom

Happy reading and happy musiking!