
Friday, March 30, 2012

Songs with solos

Sing, sing, sing! I want my students to experience beautiful, in-tune singing and I am always on the lookout for songs with solos. I know students are more successful in pitch matching when they sing unaccompanied and have opportunities to sing alone. While I use several songs with solos in the primary grades, I don't use as many in the older grades.

Here is one that has been very successful with my older students. I often start with several knots tied in the rope so that a few students are singing the solo, (which cuts down on the initial fear factor for the singers.) I learned this song from my wonderful Level III teacher, Liz Arcaro.

Once a  student has sung a solo (or duet, or trio, depending on how many knots I tie in the rope,) they go to a barred instrument and accompany with a simple bourdon on C and G.

What are some of your favorite songs with solos?


  1. I forgot that you had shared this one before!!! I LOVE "Sha Sha Boom" with my older kids. Melissa Roth shared it at her ROCKE workshop (years ago, man we're old, lol!) but I learned it from Susan Brumfield. I use "Jig-a-low" with my older kiddos too. Also, I love the telephone song (I use it with third grade). Those are my top three, but I'm sure as soon as I click save I'll think of more that I like!
    Happy last day of spring break, my friend!!!

  2. Solo performances are great elementary music activities that can really reinforce pitch for students. I've always liked "Long-Legged Sailor."
