Sunday, November 25, 2018

MTCT #28: Movement and Dance in the Music Room

Music Teacher Coffee Talk #28: Movement and Dance in the Music Room

Tanya and Carrie discuss creative movement and organized dances in the music room.
You can listen to the podcast here.

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy and Celesta Demonstration

Henry Cowell's The Banshee

Beat Activities

Billy Joel's Root Beer Rag

Sleigh Ride CORRECTION! I (Tanya) mentioned at first that I adapted my movement for Sleigh Ride from Brent Gault but it actually came from the wonderful Jo Kirk! (

Sleigh Ride performance by the United States Marine Chamber Orchestra on Late Night with Dave Letterman

Movement for March from The Nutcracker

Tanya's Nutcracker Play Along Bundle

Dolly Parton's Jingle Bells

Troika Dance

Simple Square Dance

Ariel view of Sashay the Donut

Jingle Bell Dance from Music a la Abbott


Sanna Longden materials
(Jingle Bell dance can be found in Sanna's 1 1/2)

New England Dance Masters (Peter and May Alice Amidon)

Rhythmically Moving

Step Lively from Marion Rose (NOT Marion Lively, I mis-spoke on the podcast!)

Shenanigans' Dance Music For Children Level 1 

Listen Up! by Brent Gault

Coda (recommendations)
She and Him 

Harry Belafonte and the Muppets Banana Boat Song

Musication Banana Boat Song Play Along