
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

MTCT #40: Preparing for Summer Learning

Music Teacher Coffee Talk episode #40 is all about preparing for summer learning.

You can listen to that episode here.

Highs and Lows:

Check out Carrie's Escape Room tutorial on our IGTV Instagram page!

Note taking articles:

NPR Article: 

Attention, Students: Put Your Laptops Away

Extra Tools for your device:

Rocket Book

Metronome aps

Tiny Scan

Piano apps

American Organization Society Association

Organization of American Kodály Educators

Other considerations:

Microwave meals in your dorm room

23 Dorm Room Meals You Can Make In A Microwave

Work Smarter Not Harder Teacher Tip:

  • Use a notes app to list where you store things in the music room over the summer.

Coda (what we are enjoying in and out of the music room)

Carrie: Katie Wonderly's Spotify Profile

Here's a fun Disco Ball to add to your dance party!

Tanya: Song Exploder podcast

Song Exploder #150: Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac

Summer BookClub is starting up!

We will be reading Teaching for Musical Understanding by Jackie Wiggins

Our next podcast episode will be a discussion on chapters 1-4.
(Look for that episode around June 10th!)

Saturday, May 11, 2019

MTCT #39: Gems for the End of the School Year

Music Teacher Coffee Talk #39 is all about our Gems for the End of the School Year.
You can listen to the episode here.

Main Theme: Gems for the End of the Year

Strolling In the Park can be found in I'm Growing Up by the New England Dance Masters

Gypsy in the Moonlight and Missy-La Massi-La can be found in the book 

Looking for more end-of-the-year favorite songs and activities? 
Check out these episodes:
MTCT #13: Outside Games
MTCT #15: Closure

Work Smarter Not Harder Teacher Tip: 
When reflecting with a class on a performance or concert use 2 Stars and a Wish 
(also, 2 glows and a grow!)

Summer Book Club for June/July 2019:

This summer we will be reading and discussing 
Teaching for Musical Understanding by Jackie Wiggins

Please join us! We'll start discussing the book in June. Stay tuned for details!

Coda (Our professional and/or personal recommendations.)

Tanya recommends the Netflix special Brené Brown: The Call to Courage
Carrie recommends the book When You Wish Upon a Star by Nes Washington and
Alexandra Day

(And here's a couple of Maxfield Parrish posters)

Thank you for listening and happy musiking!

MTCT #38: Summer Dreams and Schemes

Music Teacher Coffee Talk #38 is all about our Summer Dreams and Schemes.

You can listen to the episode here.

Main Theme: Summer Dreams and Schemes 

Summer Book Club for June/July 2019:
This summer we will be reading and discussing 
Teaching for Musical Understanding by Jackie Wiggins

Please join us! We'll start discussing the book in June. Stay tuned for details!

Work Smarter Not Harder Teacher Tip
Carrie's Rhythm Anchor Chart

Coda (Our professional and/or personal recommendations.)

Tanya recommends the book: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah
Carrie recommends Homecoming a Film by Beyoncé

MTCT #37: Assessments

Music Teacher Coffee Talk #37 is all about assessments.

You can listen to the episode here.

Chain Singing

Students are grouped by teacher in groups of 1 or 2 students per phrase of song. Each student sings one phrase of a well-known song.

4 = Advanced: Student can solo sing a phrase of a well-known songs in-tune consistently, (regardless of others singing out of tune near the student.) The key is established by the teacher.

3 = Proficient: Student can correctly solo sing a phrase of a well-known song in-tune. The key is established by the teacher.

2 = Basic: Student can sing the correct melodic contour of a phrase of a well-known song. (Not necessarily in-tune.) The key is established by the teacher.

1 = Emerging: Student does not use a singing voice consistently.

Carrie's 4 Point Rubric Rhyme (credit to Diane Miller!):

1: "I didn't get anything done, that's why I got a 1."
2: "I did some of what I was supposed to do, that's why I got a 2."
3: "I did just what was asked of me, that's why I got a 3."
4: "I did what was asked and more, that's why I got a 4."

Tanya's rhythm tracing pages 

Work Smarter Not Harder Teacher Tip
Give small choices in the music room.

Tanya's Who Sang It? Interactive Game

Coda (Our professional and/or personal recommendations.)

MTCT #36: OAKE 2019 Conference in Columbus, OH

Music Teacher Coffee Talk Episode #36 is all about the 2019 OAKE Conference!

You can listen to the episode here.

Main Theme: OAKE 2019 in Columbus

You can hear the Music Teacher Coffee Talk on Mindfulness here.

Work Smarter Not Harder Teacher Tip

Make a List!: After returning from a conference, take a short list of songs, games, and activities that you want to bring into your music room soon.

Coda (Our professional and/or personal recommendations.)

Carrie recommends: Queer Eye 
Tanya recommends: Go Tell Aunt Rhody by Aliki