
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Music Teacher Coffee Talk #23: Back to School Procedures

Our latest episode is all about music class procedures and building a positive community within each class. You can listen to MTCT #23 here.

Some of the things we talked about:
       Music Making: Bring the joy of music to them as soon as possible.
o   Start the class with a “no-fail” singing game or chant. This could be a singing or chanting name game. Is there a singing game students have begged to play again and again in class in your past years? Start the year and your class with that gem!
o   Aim to include singing, moving/dancing, and playing instruments, within the first 4 lessons.

    Rapport: Build relationships between you and the class
o   Use students’ names frequently, (this will help you memorize names quicker, too.)
o   Smile and be willing to share a laugh with the students.
o   Talk to kids when they’re not in music class and show that you care about them.
o   Share a few of your “what I did on my summer vacation” pictures with each class. (They need to know about you, too.)
o   Verbalize why you became a music teacher.
o   Give a short performance for each class. You are a musician, too. Share that part of you.

·      Rules: Communicate your behavior management plan and class rules on the first or second day.
o   Keep it simple. More than 4 or 5 rules is too many.
o   Emphasize mutually respect. (Pair and share: “I want my teacher to know:__________”)
o   Give specific examples of following or not following a classroom rule.

·      Procedures to Practice:
  • Coming in to the room
  • Mindful Minutes
  • Reading the learning target
  • Lining up/Leaving the room
  • Asking a question
  • Pair and Share/”Back to Class”
  • Bathroom procedures
  • Time Out procedure
  • Answering the phone
  • Fire Drill
  • Lock-Down
  • Making a Circle
  • Moving in a Circle
  • Passing out materials
  • Getting small percussion instruments
  • Going to drums
  • Going to barred instruments

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Music Teacher Coffee Talk #22: Songs, Games, and Activities for the First Days of School

Hello and happy New (School) Year!
Jim Along Josie

Come Along Everybody - from I’m Growing Up

1st Grade:

2nd Grade:

Dance: 7 Jumps

3rd Grade:

Great Big House in New Orleans from Holy Names Song Collection

4th Grade:

Fjaskern - stick passing game

Concept Focus:  Tempo, Accelerando, AB form

Materials: “Fjaskern” (on Rhythmically Moving CD #2 and Shenanigans Dance Music For Children album), rhythm sticks

                A Section:
                Tap your stick on the beat following this pattern:
                                hand hand hip hip hand hand shoe shoe (repeat 4 times)

                B Section:
                Tap your stick on the beat following this pattern:
                                tap tap pass grab (repeat 8 times)

Rules:  If a student drops a stick during the B section, they are not allowed to pick it up!  Once the music has returned to the A section, anyone without a stick must find one.  If you are without a stick during the B section, just fake it until the A section returns.

                -Just do the A section.  During the B section, tap the beat on the floor.
                -Teach the B section twice as slow.  You’ll repeat the pattern 4 times instead.

5th Grade:


Connect with us on Facebook or Instagram, (just look for Music Teacher Coffee Talk.)

If you enjoyed this show, please consider subscribing, rating, and leaving us a review on iTunes to help others find this podcast. In month of August 2018, we are hosting a giveaway.

Leave us a review on iTunes by August 27, 2018 and you will be entered to win a $15 Starbucks gift card plus a Teacher Pay Teacher product from Tanya’s TpT store.
When you leave a review, take a screenshot and send us a message through Facebook  so we know who you are. We will draw 2 winners LIVE on Facebook on August 27th
(aka Carrie’s BDAY!)

In our next episode we’ll be talking about beginning of the school year classroom management and procedures.

Until next time, this is Tanya and this is Carrie wishing you happy musiking!

Friday, August 3, 2018

Music Teacher Coffee Talk #19: 2018 Book Club: World Music Pedagogy v. II chapter 7

The Music Teacher Coffee Talk book club is wrapping up. This summer we are reading and discussing the book World Music Pedagogy v. 2 by Amy Beegle and Christopher Roberts.

You can listen to Tanya and Carrie's discussion of chapter 7 here.

Here are the show notes for episode #19:

Smithsonian Folkways Certificate Course in World Music Pedagogy

Coda Section (Personal recommendations of what we're enjoying lately)

Speechless (TV show)

Out of My Mind (Book)

Jon Bejamin's jazz album

Music Teacher Coffee Talk #21: Back to School Planning

Hello Music Teachers and Music Education Enthusiasts!

Here are the show notes for Episode #21: Back to School Planning
You can listen here.

In this episode, Tanya and Carrie talk about planning for the school year.

Aileen Miracle's excellent How-to-Create-A-Year-Plan-Template video is a great guide to year plans.

Coda Section/Recommendations:
The First Days of School (a must read for the beginning of the school year!)

Peg Leg the Pirate News!
The song Pirate's Gold (aka Peg Leg the Pirate) was written by Judy Creen and can be found in the book 30 Thematic Singing Games. Judy was an Australian teacher who has since passed away but left a legacy in Kodály Queensland.

Tanya recommends:
The First Days of School 

Carrie recommends:
Puppet on a stick

August 2018: Music Teacher Coffee Talk Leave a Review Drawing!
Leave us a review on iTunes by August 27th, 2018.
When you leave a review please take a screen shot and message us on Facebook.
We will draw 2 winners on August 27th who will receive a $15 Starbucks gift card and a product from Tanya's Teachers Pay Teachers store.

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